Alivio Caregiver Support Program

Many families have loved ones desperately in need adult day services but cannot avail themselves because:
• they are unable to pay due to low income levels
• they do not qualify for government funding
• they need supplemental funding no longer available from government sources
The Share Your Care Alivio Caregiver Support Program is a dedicated funding stream whose sole purpose is to provide or supplement funding for these vulnerable individuals. The Alivio program is funded entirely by generous private donors like you, who care deeply about their community.
You can also write a check to SHARE YOUR CARE- ALIVIO
Mail to: Share Your Care, Inc.
PO Box 35101
Albuquerque NM 87176
Find out more about the
Share Your Care Alivio Program
by clicking the FAQs Tab above.
Corporate Sponsors
If you are interested in becoming an Alivio Program Corporate Partner call 505.298.1700 ext. 9023.